Hello fellow amateur wedding planners (aka Knot users). I am a recovering wedding planning helper (i.e. groom). I only helped plan one, but that was more than enough. I went so far as to write a book about my experiences (misadventures really). I don't want to spoil the ending, but I am still alive (barely) and successfully married. I will post the book here on The Knot as a blog. It will be 80-some postings (I think). I hope to get them posted over the next couple months. As you go through the experience yourselves, I am simply offering one groom's story of the entire process. I hope that it provides some humor-based, stress relief as you go through your planning.
I would greatly appreciate hearing what you think and I hope you enjoy.
- Drew Lloyd
From "Will You?" to "I Do.": A Groom's Tale of Survival